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Faire Preparations

Four more days until the Maker Faire, and preparations have reached a fever pitch. I was interviewed by a Wired reporter on Friday, and a photographer is coming tomorrow to get pictures of me in my “workshop”, which should be good for a laugh. It’s all for an article that will appear on Wednesday or Thursday.

Friday is setup day, and I’ve arranged to take the day off from work. It’s not that I really need much setup, but I want to be there while everyone else is setting up, and scope out the exhibits. There are also a couple of Maker-to-Maker events on Friday before the faire opens to the public Saturday morning, including a Maker dinner on Friday night that I’m pretty excited about.

Big Mess o’ Wires will be in the main Expo Hall, booth 296. It’s on the other side of the floor from the Sparkfun booth, in a cluster of about a dozen other small booths. It looks like a pretty good location, near one of the doors so it’ll get some traffic, and not next to the bathroom or behind the stage or someplace similarly odd, so I’m optimistic. I’ve also recruited a couple of friends to be the BMOW crew for the weekend, so there will be someone on hand if I need to leave the booth for a while, or to help handle the teeming crowds that will no doubt be packing the BMOW booth. *cough*

Meanwhile, preparations on the home front are nearly complete. BMOW is fitted with its new transparent laser-etched cover, and tested with its demo attract loop. I’ve got photos, stickers, T-shirts, a “making of” book, and a technical manual with all the schematics and other documentation. I’ve even got a dummy wire-wrap board for people to check out, or try their hand at doing some wraps themselves.

I’ve created a BMOW Powerpoint presentation to answer the questions of “what is this, and why should I care”, which will be looping continuously on another computer in the booth. I welcome feedback on anything that has too much or too little detail, or other general suggestions for improvements.

I hope to meet some of you in person this weekend at the faire!

Edit:  The WIRED article about BMOW is up. Thanks Priya!

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