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Canada Shipping is Back Online!

Good news: the International Shipping Fiasco of May 2021 appears to be resolved, although the underlying causes are still unclear. Early indications are it was some kind of USPS screw-up with electronic collection of customs data at the San Francisco International Distribution Center. Shippers all over the US West Coast have been affected. There is blood in the water. Stay tuned for more details.

BMOW’s most recent Canadian test shipments have passed through customs successfully, so I’ve re-enabled Canadian shipping for the BMOW Store. Assuming there are no further surprises, I expect to re-enable international shipping for the rest of the world within the next few days.

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1 Comment so far

  1. Classics For X - May 17th, 2021 11:13 am

    Shows, best attempt is to work with pen & paper, but not with (electronic) computers. :-p

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