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Case Packing Time Lapse Video

Frosted Ice cases for Floppy Emu are back in stock at the BMOW store, and I took the opportunity to make a time lapse video of the case packing process. Where does all the time go? Last week’s video featured the behind-the-scenes order fulfillment process, in which pre-bagged case kits were already prepared. Today’s video shows where those came from.

The plastic case parts come pre-made on large laser-cut sheets from a third party, with enough parts for seven cases per sheet. The parts must be pulled out, sorted, and placed into individual bags. Fastener hardware is added to each bag, before it’s sealed and ready for sale. Extra light pipes from clear sheets are saved to be reused with opaque sheets for Snow White cases. It’s one more unglamorous task that consumes surprising amounts of time.

Things to find in the video: Macintosh Family Hardware Reference guide, Imagewriter II printer.

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2 Comments so far

  1. Keith Kaisershot - March 23rd, 2017 1:04 pm

    All of that activity hunched over like that sounds like it would be murder on my back and neck. Hats off to you for having a process that works.

    BTW where did all your compact Macs go? 😉

  2. Steve - March 23rd, 2017 1:40 pm

    Yeah, working on the floor is definitely uncomfortable, but the only real alternative is the kitchen table. My desk is too crammed with computers, oscilloscopes, printers, and whatnot for this kind of activity, and there isn’t really space for a second desk. As for the compacts, there’s a Mac SE just off camera in this video, but the rest of them are filling the closets.

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