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Wombat Released into the Wild

The Wombat ADB-USB input converter is now back in stock at the BMOW Store. Head there to get yours now.

Wombat what? The Wombat is a bidirectional ADB-to-USB and USB-to-ADB converter for keyboards and mice, and was developed by Steve Chamberlin here at Big Mess o’ Wires. Connect modern USB keyboards and mice to a classic ADB-based Macintosh, Apple IIgs, or NeXT machine. Or connect legacy ADB input hardware to a USB-based computer running Windows, OSX, or Linux. No special software or drivers are needed – just plug it in and go. For more details, please see the product description page.

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4 Comments so far

  1. groinksan - September 2nd, 2019 2:10 am

    1st comment! Great to see you’ve ironed out the manufacturing problems you had earlier.

  2. LazarusNine - September 17th, 2019 10:40 pm

    Congrats on the successful re-release! These are becoming as essential as the FloppyEMU. I have mine plugged into a USB switcher, so I can use the same (modern) mechanical keyboard and optical mouse with a vintage Mac as I do with my main Mac and PC. I’m also pleased to have the ‘Retro USB’ shell prior to its rebranding as the ‘Wombat’ due to the similarity to the vintage video games site. I have to say, that site is great too, and I’ve bought a few things from them including the AVS. =P

  3. Luke Walding - September 23rd, 2019 4:31 pm

    Is there an ETA as to when cases will be in stock?

  4. Steve - September 24th, 2019 9:01 am

    The case is in stock.

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