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Cyber Monday 10% Off at the New BMOW Store

Help celebrate the opening of the new BMOW store with a Cyber Monday 10% off sale! You get a discount, I get more people trying the new store platform, and everybody wins. From now until the end of Monday, all BMOW products in the new store will be 10% off the regular price. This sale ends at 11:59 PM Pacific time (UTC-8) on Monday night.

You can visit the new BMOW store at, and enter the discount code cyberbmow21 at checkout to get 10% off. This isn’t yet the default store, and most internal and external links still point to the original store at Purchases from the original store aren’t eligible for this sale – I need as many people as possible to exercise the new store to confirm it’s running smoothly, before I can deactivate the original store. Thank you for trying out the new store, and happy shopping!

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2 Comments so far

  1. Buddy - November 29th, 2021 8:33 pm

    I’m not sure if the old shop has this feature, but now I can track my purchase on the mobile Shop app too!

  2. solderguy - December 2nd, 2021 1:53 pm

    Missed it with all the other craziness, any chance of an extension?

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